Exact delivers solutions that make a difference. Quality solutions aimed at protecting your valuable assets – your people, your property, your reputation.
Our reputation is built on the solid foundation of exemplary service, delivered by exceptional individuals.
The team delivering our Commercial & Residential Facilities Management services is led by Grant Heanes, an Executive Manager who has a sharp focus on clients and an auspicious history in the Facilities and Security Industries. For more about the team see Our Team
Since Exact’s inception in 2009 the team has maintained a dedication for ensuring our clients are well looked after. This was our highest priority when we started – and it has never wavered. This focus has ensured our growth – growth that has been consistent, planned and sustainable.
Our growth has never jeopardised our highest priority – our clients.
By engaging Exact Facilities Management you will also have preferred client status with our sister companies:
When there is a need for high quality security operatives, Exact Security leads the way.
Exact Technologies‘ solutions cover all aspects of security and related technology and they specialists when it comes to environments that are highly regulated, physically challenging, or complex multi-site properties.